
follow KIM ATLIN on instagram to see how she paints

People come from all over to see the skies here . I completely appreciate that. I’ve been experimenting with trying to capture the different moods .

‘ any resemblance to any day past or present is entirely coincidental’ . I’m a huge reader and adore that statement. I feel we , as human beings are always informed by external influences. Chance encounters with people and environments have lasting impressions.

These two pieces , 24x24” and 16x20” will be at my studio as part of the Owen sound studio tour this coming weekend. Will be fun to see people interacting with my work.

#contemporarypainting #abstractlandscape #contemporarycanadianart #contemporarylandscape #artcurator #artcollector

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One of the new inner harbour pieces. So much fun playing with light and colour and the reflections.
This one’s 30x30”

I haven’t been posting much lately, my bandwidth has been full trying to sort myself out in this new city and figure out the rhythms of working in this studio I’ve built. I’m opening up my studio next weekend as part of the @osstudiotour . My friends at will be setting up here too. It runs sept 21-22 , 2024 from 10 am to 5 pm. Visit us if you’re able . Would be fun to see you and show you what we’ve been up to .

Come see us and the bunnies . We’re located at 1090 3rd avenue East Owen sound . It’s a laneway house so a little tricky to find but we’ll put out signs . Hope you can make it!

#contemporaryart #abstractlandscape #contemporarypainting #artcollector #artcurator #contemporarycanadianart #colour #loveart #pink

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Currently up @dervilia_art_design , the point 2.0 . 48x60”

Playing with the light and the architecture of the land and the trees and how they interact. And how colour affects that . Fun!!

#color #abstractlandscape #contemporarypainting #canadiancontemporaryart #contemporarylandscape #artcollector #artcurator #loveart

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Rediscovering this piece from my studio’s earlier incarnation. Really enjoying a bunch of the ‘moments’ of this piece. Technicolor dreams variation 24 - 30x30” ...

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I use little pieces to play and work out ideas . Each of these 6x6 inch piece has been generated from the tremendous landscape and light out here on Georgian bay.

All of these pieces are available. They are $185.00 a piece which includes a 10% donation to a charity and tax . Ask me to send you a photo of an individual piece if you’d like. The charity’s this month will be a LGBTQ one for pride month .

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A couple of years back. Love this piece . ❤️ ...

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I’ve been thinking a lot about life lately and I think it really is about appreciating the simple moments. So I’ve got a couple of goals .

1: Document some of the simple things that give me joy . 2: do another studio tour … hopefully weekly. (Got swamped/overwhelmed… it happens)

these two pieces are attempting to capture some of the crazy light that happens here I love it and how changeable it it. I walked to and from the inner harbour 4 times yesterday in minutes because I’d look at it and be walking back home and catch the sky refuted in windows and head back . Just fabulous! The square is 24 inches , the rectangle is 16x30.

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